An official website of the United States Government


How does the program work?

The program was established to reward eligible persons who provide information or nonlethal assistance to U.S. or allied forces that enables or enhances force protection or combating terrorism.

  • Individuals can submit information via WhatsApp, Telegram, the secure online form
  • The information submitted is assessed by USCENTCOM Department of Defense officials.
  • If the information is both verifiably true and useful, the individual will be contacted discreetly and rewarded accordingly.

What is rewardable information?

Rewardable information is information or nonlethal assistance that enables or enhances the protection of, or combating terrorism by U.S. or allied forces, protects the safety of U.S. or allied forces, or furthers U.S. national security or protects U.S. interests.

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Priority tips

Planned attacks on U.S. and/or Coalition Forces

Terrorist group operations

Locations of drones, rockets or missiles used for Red Sea Attacks

Reward value

The program pays monetary rewards of up to $5,000,000 USD. The value of each rewardable activity varies. The more unique and important the information, the higher the value of the reward.

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Success stories

Since the inception of the U.S. Department of Defense Rewards Program, over $26.4 million USD in rewards have been paid.

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Frequently asked questions

Find the answers to the most commonly asked questions about the USCENTCOM Department of Defense Rewards Program.

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Earn a reward. Make a difference.

There are a number of ways to securely submit a tip to the USCENTCOM Department of Defense Rewards Program. You can choose from multiple platforms and submit a tip in your preferred language.

We ask that you state your information as succinctly as possible. Provide your name, contact details, preferred language, detailed tip and any relevant files.

Submit a Tip

Fill in the contact form below



Thank you for submitting your tip.

The USCENTCOM Department of Defense Rewards Program reads every tip received, so please be patient.

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